Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ditz Commander 0.3 released

Project page :

  • Added new Tool buttons : Go back & Go forward
  • Added extra command list for non-common command
  • Implemented commands : "add-release" , "add-component" , "set-component" , "Unassign" , "Stop" , "Raw Edit"
  • Added "Recently opened folder" menu
  • Raw Edit Command - Launch $EDITOR (default is vim) and open raw issue file
  • Bug Fix - It is now able to handle relative path as input argument of command "ditz-commander"
  • Change window title according to the current loading page

From Blog

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ditz Commander

Ditz Commander is a simple GUI frontend of ditz (light weight distributed issue tracker).

  • Integrate HTML browser and terminal in a single UI window
  • Short cut to ditz commands like "add" , "edit" , "comment" and "html"
  • Auto determine the Issue ID of loading page for ditz commands like "edit" and "comment". No need to copy & page issue ID from HTML page.
  • A single "refresh" button to generate HTML document and refresh browser content
Screenshot (v0.2)

Project page :
