- Support to generate Writable Live USB image that don't require to install
- Using squashfs + unisonfs like the default Xandros's distribution. The system only use 1GB of disk space(can be even smaller). 2.6GB disk space leave for use.
- Using linux-eeepc kernel from array.org which support madwifi and eeepc-acpi
- Applied the changes from http://wiki.eeeuser.com/getting_ubuntu_ … _perfectly
- Make EeePC shut down properly
- Enabling processor scaling
- Wifi Hotkeys
- Audio after suspend/resume
- Smaller toolbars icons
- Disabling UI sounds
- Fixing mute key
- Fullscreen with
-F11 - Setting suspend when closing lid, blank screen
- Don't display battery warning
- Unconstraining windows to the top of the screen
As it is only an experimental release, I don't provide ISO/Image now(may provide later) . You may build your own image by using the moblin image creator. Furthur information:
http://www.moblin.org/projects/projects … reator.php
Instruction to get Moblin Image Creator for EeePC
git clone http://repo.or.cz/r/moblin-image-creator.eeepc.git
cd moblin-image-creator.eeepc.git
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc
sudo dpkg -i ../moblin-image-creator_0.45_all.deb
And then run :
sudo image-creator
1. Create a platform project with type eeepc-i386-ubuntu-hardy-ppa
2. Create a target with fsets: eeepc-701-config and ubuntu-desktop . (You may also choose netbook-remix , but the default config for Gnome is not ready. Will add later)
3. Build image by press "Live RW USB" or "Install USB" button.
4. Press "Write USB Image" for the image generated.
Default user name : ume
Default password : (empty, just press enter when it prompt for password)
You may customize the image by press the "Terminal" button, it will create a chroot environment and you may install any package you want. I would suggest to remove "tracker" package from your image.
apt-get remove tracker
Test your image with "Live RW USB" is safe , as it won't touch the SSD. But if you choice to create a "Install USB" image. It will format your SSD without any notice!
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Feel good......
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